Saturday, October 3, 2009

Love - A bittersweet pill

We broke up 2 months ago.After being together for two years it's not easy to just forget about it.After the break-up I ignored romantic movies,romantic songs,break-up songs and almost anything that would only add salt to my wounds.Instead I would watch action movies and listen to heavy metal.Silly maybe but I did anything to escape the hurt.

It feels so weird when everything that pre-occupied you with her during the relationship vanishes with it.No more smsing each other almost every minute,no more running to the shop at 11pm to recharge her sim so that she can call me,no more waiting for her to come back from her visit to her family,no more waiting to meet up and hang out,no more dreams.Only an emotional vacuum.

All the dreams we dreamt together about our future died with the relationship.

She was an amazing person.A really good soul who's kindness could be really touching.She's a doctor.I'm really proud of her.I loved everything about her.Sometimes I wonder whether I'll meet someone like her again.

I can't believe how two people can remain 'just friends' after breaking up).I don't believe in being this 'just friends' bullshit.She wanted to remain 'just friends' but I didn't want to.Had no interest in being 'just friends' and prolonging the hurt.So I changed my mobile number,email address etc.Haven't met her sinceNot that she wanted to.I don't have any hard feelings towards her.I understand why she went away.I miss her a lot sometimes.

It's been 2 months and I do watch romantic movies now.Romantic songs have found place in my playlist again.I seem to be doing well now.Touchwood.

Love is a bittersweet pill.It indeed is.

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